Strickland Secures Millions in Relief Aid for South Sound, Sends American Rescue Plan to President’s Desk

Graphic of the county

Olympia, WA— Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland (WA-10) released the following statement after final passage of H.R. 1319, the American Rescue Plan Act, landmark, life-saving legislation that will provide urgently-needed resources to defeat the virus, put vaccines in people’s arms, money into families’ pockets, children safely back into classrooms and people back to work.  This legislation will now go to President Biden’s desk for his signature.   

“This week is one of great progress and promise for South Sound families, communities and small businesses, as I joined my fellow Democrats to pass the American Rescue Plan and send it to President Biden’s desk for final signature. 

“The vast majority of Washingtonians support this package, and that is why I worked with my colleagues to help shape the American Rescue Plan to deliver for the Tenth District. This survival package will mean millions in aid, and includes critical funding that I secured in my February 9th letter to support our state, local, and tribal communities across the South Sound,” said Strickland.  “With tens of millions of Americans infected, more than half a million lives lost, over 18 million Americans unemployed and millions more hungry and food and housing insecure, the people of Washington can be assured that ‘Help Is On The Way,’ thanks to decisive action to enact this historic legislation.

“As I have said before, when your house is on fire, you do everything you can to put it out. The American Rescue Plan does just that, as the rescue operation we need to protect jobs, end this pandemic, and save lives. As this life-saving, jobs-creating bill is signed into law, I will keep working with my colleagues on behalf of Washingtonians and all Americans to meet this moment as we continue to advance progress to Build Back Better – and more Equitably – For The People.”

The Biden American Rescue Plan will save lives and livelihoods by:

The American Rescue Plan is strongly supported by a large majority of the American people – including 60 percent of Republicans – bipartisan state and local leaders, national education groups, trade unions and advocacy organizations and hundreds of businesses and chambers of commerce.  Economists agree that the American Rescue Plan’s targeted, evidence-based action is needed – both for struggling families and for the American economy.  The legislation’s provisions will generate $1.25 for every $1 of spending, will cut child poverty in half and will lift nearly 12 million people out of poverty.

Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland serves as a Member of the House Armed Services Committee and the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.
