Strickland Announces Anusha Jain as 2022 Congressional App Challenge Winner

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Lacey, WA – Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland (WA-10) announced middle schooler, Anusha Jain, as the 2022 Congressional App Challenge winner for Washington’s 10th Congressional District. Jain was selected by a panel of judges for her app, EcoFriend.

“After reviewing many incredible submissions from students across the South Sound, I congratulate Anusha for winning the Congressional App Challenge,” said Strickland. “This thoughtful app is the user’s own guide to how they can care for the environment. I look forward to seeing the cover photo on display as I walk around the Capitol. Thank you to our judges and all the students who participated.”

“EcoFriend teaches you how you can help save the environment. We all share one big planet Earth, and sometimes…that can be a big problem,” said Jain. “Trash on roads, plastic in rivers, cutting down of trees …the list goes on and on. It is our duty, as residents of Mother Earth, to protect our environment from getting dirtier and dirtier every day. That’s why I created EcoFriend, your personal guide to keeping the environment just the way it deserves to be.”

“I was delighted to participate in the App Challenge, and I am very impressed at the high quality of submissions whose aim is to make the world a better place. I am thrilled that Congresswoman Strickland is a keen supporter of STEM initiatives such as the App Challenge, something that is also close to my heart,” said Dr. Radana Dvorak, Chair of Computer Science at St. Martin’s University. “As an educator and computer scientist, I see the value of younger students, especially girls, starting to explore computer science and engineering fields before starting college. I would be delighted to see all four finalists come to Saint Martin’s University, study in my computer science department, and join our Women In Technology (WIT) club.”

“STEM is more crucial than ever in our increasingly digital world. I enjoyed being a judge for all the impressive apps that were submitted. Apps like EcoFriend not only demonstrate the great technical skill these young students have worked so hard to achieve, but also the potential impact a single app can have on making a better planet for future generations,” said Joseph Ortiz, Computer Programming Instructor at Clover Park Technical College.

The app cover photo will be displayed in the United States Capitol for one year. Winners are also invited to Capitol Hill for a celebration called #HouseOfCode where they can demo their apps to their representatives.

The first official Congressional Art Challenge was launched in 2016 to foster and encourage an appreciation for computer science and STEM, and to inspire students to pursue careers in computer science. To learn more about EcoFriend, watch here.

Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland serves as a Member of the House Armed Services Committee and the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. She is one of the first Korean-American women elected to Congress and the first African-American to represent the Pacific Northwest at the federal level.
