Graphic of the county


Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland (WA-10) today announced $2.5 million in federal funding for the City of Lakewood’s South Tacoma Way Project to dramatically improve the accessibility of Lakewood’s International District.

“This federal funding will upgrade a major regional connector for businesses and communities within the quickly growing South Sound,” said Strickland. “Improving accessibility between the cities of Lakewood and Tacoma will ensure the success of the surrounding region. I will continue to fight in D.C. for federal funding to help the South Sound’s diverse communities thrive.”

“We look forward to the opportunity to continue to make our roads safer for pedestrians and cars alike,” said Lakewood Mayor Jason Whalen. “This allocation provides a critical piece of the funding for this project that will rebuild South Tacoma Way. In addition to the safety improvements, the project will beautify this bustling commercial corridor that serves as one of the city’s most culturally rich and diverse districts with 84.5% of the businesses being women or minority-owned. We are grateful for Congresswoman Strickland’s continued commitment to the South Sound and specifically her support for the city of Lakewood. We can’t wait to break ground on this project next year and look forward to celebrating with the Congresswoman when construction begins.”

The corridor is the city’s northernmost connection to neighboring Tacoma. The project is the final section of South Tacoma Way slated for improvement between the two cities.

The total project cost is estimated at $4.5 million. The city will use a combination of funding sources including city allocations, the $2.5 million secured by Strickland, and a $390,000 grant from Puget Sound Regional Council to help fund the project. Construction is planned for 2024.

This award is one of 14 FY23 Community Project Funding (CPF) grants Congresswoman Strickland secured. Read more about these here:
