Strickland’s Statement on Budget Resolution Passage, Paving the Way for Transformative Investments in Working Families

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Washington, DC– Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland (WA-10) released the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives passed the fiscal year 2022 budget resolution, an important step towards the budget reconciliation process and the crafting of the Build Back Better Act, which will invest in care infrastructure, workers, and families in the South Sound and across the country.

“This budget resolution represents a historic opportunity for Congress to work with the Senate to make long overdue investments in our workers, families, and economy by crafting the Build Back Better Act,” said Congresswoman Strickland. “The House now has parallel tracks to advance once-in-a-generation investments in our traditional and human infrastructure so we can revitalize our economy and create thousands of jobs to rebuild our crumbling roads and bridges, clean our water, support our caregivers, and combat climate change.”

S.Con.Res. 14, the budget resolution passed by the Senate on August 11th and approved today by the House, paves the way for the House to proceed with assembling the Build Back Better Act by providing reconciliation instructions to 13 House and 12 Senate committees. It instructs these committees to report legislation consistent with these budgetary targets to the Budget Committee by September 15. The Budget Committee will then combine the legislation and prepare it for floor consideration.  Democrats remain committed to the goal of enacting this legislation, along with the bipartisan infrastructure bill, by September 27.

The Build Back Better Act will include many initiatives that enjoy broad, bipartisan levels of support among the American people: child care, home health care, paid family and medical leave, free universal pre-K, the Biden Child Tax Credit, workforce development, expanding Medicare benefits, closing the Medicaid coverage gap, addressing the climate crisis, services for veterans and more.  

Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland serves as Vice Chair of the Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and is the only African-American woman to serve on the House Armed Services Committee. She is one of the first Korean-American women elected to Congress and the first African-American to represent the Pacific Northwest at the federal level.
