Hot seat: Strickland defends Democrats’ work on gun control

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Washington state’s newest member of Congress says the best way to pass federal gun control legislation is for voters to turn out and elect more Democrats this November.

Driving the news: During an interview for Axios Seattle’s Hot Seat series last week, Strickland said that although Democrats control the House and have a tie-breaking vote in the U.S. Senate, that’s unlikely to be enough to pass major gun-control legislation.

What they’re saying: Strickland, who was elected in 2020, said the Democratic-controlled House keeps passing good legislation — including on guns — only for it to die in the Senate.

Zoom in: Strickland pointed to a universal background check measure as one that has broad public support and passed the House, but has hit a wall in the Senate.

Yes, but: Two of the gun control measures Strickland supports — a ban on assault-style weapons and a ban on large-capacity magazines — have yet to pass the Democratic-controlled House.

On the filibuster, Strickland said she would support bypassing the 60-vote requirement to pass gun-control legislation, as well as abortion-rights protections.

Strickland didn’t accept the conventional wisdom that Democrats are likely to lose seats in November, as they often do two years into a Democratic presidency.

Hot seat speed round

On whether she and other Democrats have actually been able to get anything done: “I would say if you look at the American Rescue Plan, we got a lot of money sent to local government.”

On taking donations from certain PACs, such as an Amazon employee PAC: “Having PAC money from folks doesn’t mean you are beholden to them. It just means you’re willing to listen to their point of view, but you are going to vote your conscience and do what you think is best for the greater good.”

On the president’s recent policing order, which doesn’t go as far as the George Floyd Justice In Policing Act that she supported: “This is progress. I tell people, let’s take the win. Let’s take the progress and continue to refine to make things better … It is limited, but I think the choice is between (having) zero and 65% of what you wanted.”