March 16, 2023
Dear Friend,
As we welcome the new year, I want to take a moment to update you on my upcoming visits around the South Sound and what I have been doing to serve you in the other Washington. From planning a Townhall in Yelm to celebrating our South Sound veterans and first responders, I have been busy listening to your concerns and fighting on behalf of the issues you care about. I am honored to be your voice in Congress.
Keeping it Local

My January Constituent Spotlight is on Kahne Loftus, a 17-year-old from Rainier. Loftus is being recognized for his “Kahne’s Kare Packages” which sends care packages to U.S. troops overseas.
Kahne is an exemplary young person who has shown respect and pride in his country and for those that serve. He knows that those serving overseas deserve support and care from us all. I am proud to recognize him and his incredible work in my first Constituent Spotlight.
To read more about Kahne and nominate a resident of Washington’s 10th Congressional
District for my next spotlight, visit my website HERE.

We are back at creating and delivering valentines for our Veterans and First Responders. Residents, schools, and organizations are invited to make handmade valentine’s cards and bring them to my district offices starting on Monday, January 23, 2023, through Monday, February 7, 2023. Once received, valentines will be distributed to veterans and first respondents living and working across Washington’s 10th Congressional District.
Read more about this program on my website HERE.

Join us for my next Townhall on January 18th in Yelm at 6:00 PM. I want to hear what’s important to you and share updates from the other Washington.
Learn more about the Yelm Townhall HERE.
Updates from the Other Washington

This month, I was sworn in for my second term as a member of the House of Representatives in the 118th Congress.
Serving as the South Sound’s voice in Washington, D.C. remains an honor and a privilege to me. As I start my second term, I remain focused on making the South Sound –and the rest of our nation – more safe, more just and more secure. I look forward to working with my colleagues to reimagine our economy so that it works for all Americans.
Read more about my swearing-in on my website HERE.

I am grateful to President Biden for signing my and Senator Cantwell’s bill allowing the Chehalis Tribe to enter longer leases on their trust lands. This means that the tribe can field more development proposals to help spur economic development, create jobs, and support the Chehalis people.

I am always fighting to ensure that servicemembers and their families have access to housing.
This year’s defense bill includes several provisions I authored to make housing more affordable.
Read and learn more HERE.

Community Project Funding helps these key projects move forward and makes the South Sound a safer, more secure place to live and work. Learn more HERE.
Serving You

Grants Corner
Federal grants are typically awarded and available to non-profit organizations, city, county, state, and other local government entities. Opportunities for federal funding can be extremely competitive. For more information on federal grants, please visit grants.gov or call my office: 360-459-8514.
Upcoming Grant opportunities include:
- Water Conservation Field Services Program: Financial Assistance for Fiscal Year 2023: Department of the Interior – Bureau of Reclamation
- FY 2023 Transit Worker and Rider Safety Best Practices Research Project: Department of Transportation – DOT/Federal Transit Administration
- Food Safety Outreach Competitive Grants Program: Department of Agriculture – National Institute of Food and Agriculture
- NIOSH Education and Research Centers: Department of Health and Human Services – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – ERA
- Rural Health Innovation and Transformation Technical Assistance: Department of Health and Human Services – Health Resources and Services Administration
- Notices of Funding Opportunity for key programs within the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): Department of Transportation
For more information on these grant opportunities, please click HERE.
As always, I work for you. If you need assistance, you can sign up for a casework appointment or call my Lacey office at (360) 459-8514 or my D.C. Office at (202) 225-9740. For more updates, make sure to sign up for my newsletter and follow me on social media.
Marilyn Strickland
Member of Congress