Strickland Secures Support for Military Families & Servicemembers in Defense Budget

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Washington, DC– Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland (WA-10) released the following statement after the House Armed Services Committee passed H.R. 4350, the FY22 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)  by a bipartisan vote of 57 to 2. Strickland secured Committee passage of over 20 provisions to support servicemembers and military families at Joint Base Lewis McChord (JBLM) and across our nation, specifically addressing several aspects of housing security, military hunger, employment for military spouses, access to contraception for servicemembers and dependents, recognizing the contributions of Native American servicemembers, and more.

“Congress and the Department of Defense need to show that we value servicemembers and their families, like those at Joint Base Lewis McChord, who sacrifice so much to keep us safe and secure,” said Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland. “I’m proud to have secured several provisions in this year’s NDAA which invest in programs that help servicemembers and their families thrive. From housing security in high-cost, high-growth areas, to making sure no military family goes hungry, to supporting a diverse and talented workforce, to expanding child care access and jobs for military spouses– investments in military communities are an investment in our nation’s readiness. As the FY22 NDAA moves to the House floor, I’ll continue to work with my colleagues, Chairman Smith, and President Biden to make sure that we are advancing a bipartisan defense bill that supports our national security and invests in the military communities at JBLM and across our nation.”


“For more than sixty years this committee’s focus has been to provide the Department of Defense and the men and women who serve our country with the tools to meet the ever-changing national security threats we face. For the sixty-first consecutive year, the Armed Services Committee has fulfilled its critical responsibility and completed, on a bipartisan basis, a defense bill that will bolster our national security and provide for the common defense. I want to thank Congresswoman Strickland for her tireless work in our Committee to ensure a defense bill which addresses crucial needs of servicemembers and their families, including military hunger, housing security and other priorities, in Washington and across our nation,” said Chairman Adam Smith (WA-9).

Over 20 Strickland priorities were included in the FY22 NDAA, which passed out of committee today, several of which are listed below:

Strickland is a strong advocate for servicemembers, military families, defense communities, and veterans in Congress. Strickland co-led the introduction of the bipartisan Military Hunger Prevention Act to help low-income military families living with food insecurity make ends meet. In June, Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland co-led the entire bipartisan Washington House delegation in sending a letter urging the US Department of Veterans Affairs to take immediate action to resolve the systemic issues plaguing the veterans’ health care system. In May, Strickland made a statement to the Veterans Affairs Committee, to shine a light on the delays and communications breakdowns that veterans living in Washington’s 10th Congressional District are experiencing through the VHA’s Community Care program. March, Strickland co-led a letter to President Biden urging a boost in funding for the Defense Community Infrastructure Program (DCIP), which would enable investments to enhance military family quality of life, resilience, or military value – including at Joint Base Lewis-McChord. In July, Strickland secured inclusion of $75 million in funding for DCIP in the FY22 Defense Appropriations bill.  She also led her fellow Korean American Members of Congress in introducing legislation to award the Congressional Gold Medal to Colonel Young Oak Kim in recognition of his extraordinary heroism, leadership, and humanitarianism.