Strickland, Kilmer Re-Launch Puget Sound Recovery Caucus

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Washington, D.C. Today, Representatives Marilyn Strickland (WA-10) and Derek Kilmer (WA-06) announced the re-launch of the Puget Sound Recovery Caucus for the 117th Congress. The Caucus, which was founded in 2013 by Congressman Kilmer and then-Representative Denny Heck, focuses on recovering Puget Sound through steps like preventing pollution from urban stormwater runoff, protecting and restoring habitat, and restoring and re-opening shellfish beds. Congresswoman Strickland, who was elected in 2020, replaces Heck as Co-Chair.

“Puget Sound is a treasure to our region and our nation, not only because of its breathtaking beauty, but also because of how critical it is to our economy, jobs, and environment. We all know how vital Puget Sound is to our fish and wildlife habitat, biodiversity, and water supply – which is all the more reason to act now. For all of these reasons, I could not be more excited to re-launch the Puget Sound Recovery Caucus, alongside my friend and colleague, Congressman Kilmer, to ensure that we have federal support for Puget Sound’s recovery and revitalization,” said Strickland.

“In our region, we all understand how important Puget Sound is to our identity and our economy,” said Kilmer. “Generations of our friends and neighbors have built their lives and earned their livelihoods on the Sound. But if future generations – including my own children – are going to have those opportunities, we’ve got to take action now to protect and restore the Sound. I’m thrilled to have Rep. Strickland as a tag-team partner in this important work to ensure the federal government steps-up to support Puget Sound recovery.”

“The Puget Sound Recovery Caucus has for many years provided strong advocacy in Congress for Puget Sound recovery and protection, and we are delighted that Rep. Strickland will be lending her voice to the cause,” said Laura Blackmore, executive director of the Puget Sound Partnership. “We are fortunate to have such strong leadership in our delegation. Their commitment to Puget Sound recovery helps us make important progress on ecosystem restoration, environmental justice, and climate change resiliency.”

“We are encouraged by these renewed efforts to coordinate Puget Sound recovery and are glad to see Rep. Strickland join the ranks of this vital partnership,” said Justin Parker, Executive Director, Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission. “Our way of life, our treaty rights and our well-being are intertwined with and dependent upon a healthy Puget Sound. There is a lot to do to protect the Sound and its resources, but we are thankful for Rep. Kilmer’s continued leadership and we look forward to rolling up our sleeves with Rep. Strickland.”
