Strickland Votes to Pass Budget Resolution, A Key Tool to Accelerate Passing COVID Relief

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Washington, D.C. — Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland (WA-10) released the following statement after she voted to pass H. Con. Res. 11, Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Resolution. Passing this budget ensures that Congress can act quickly and decisively in the weeks to come to deliver the robust relief that American families, workers and communities need to combat the coronavirus pandemic and strengthen the economy. 

“For over a year, the COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis have destroyed American lives and livelihoods, and the people of Washington need to know that help is on the way. Tens of millions of Americans have been infected, nearly half a million have died and tens of millions remain unemployed as well as food and housing insecure. Our most vulnerable communities in the South Sound and across the country are bearing the disproportionate impacts of these crises. We must act now, which is I why I was proud to join my colleagues in passing this bold budget resolution to allow us to move forward, in a hopefully bipartisan way, to deliver urgently needed relief for our communities without delay.”

“For the hard-working families in the South Sound, the cost of continued inaction is too high. I hope to work with Members on both sides of the aisle to meet the urgent needs of our communities, but I will not sacrifice more time or the health and well-being of Washington families at this critical moment.  Only with the big, bold action that these crises require can we destroy the virus now, and deliver progress to Build Back Better, and Built Back Equitably, for all Americans,” said Strickland.


In Congress, there is strong precedent for reconciliation bills, which have been passed on a bipartisan basis 17 times in recent years, including for the bipartisan, landmark Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Passing this budget does not preclude adopting Republican suggestions that would strengthen the package.  But it does ensure that Congress can move forward in a timely way and meet Washington families’ urgent needs.    

Reports indicate that without immediate action, an entire cohort of young people in Washington and across the country may have lower lifetime earnings because they were deprived of another semester of school.  Millions of Washington  parents, particularly mothers, could be forced to stay at home, reducing their wages and future job prospects because they have no choice but to care for their kids.  With interest rates at historic lows and the return on smart investments in the economy having never been higher, numerous top economists are saying that now is the time for bold action.  

The budget resolution passed yesterday is an essential first step in Congress’ efforts to deliver the comprehensive, strategic and science-based relief laid out in President Biden’s robust American Rescue Plan:


For more information, please contact Katrina Martell, Communications Director for Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland, at